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Chiropractic adjustments help restore the spine's proper alignment and in doing so help people lead healthier, pain free lives. At Legacy we believe Chiropractic adjustments should be done hands-on to give the best results.
Chiropractic care can help people with many health problems including, but not limited to:
2. Mid back pain
3. Neck pain
4. Headaches
5. Stiffness
6. Numbness and Tingling
7. Neuropathy
and much more.
The best way to approach this is understanding how the body works. The body is self regulating and self healing. Your body is supposed to be healthy and being healthy is much more than just the absence of pain or disease. To be healthy is being able to go about your life not only pain free but also feeling good and doing the things you'd like to do without your "back" preventing or limiting your enjoyment of life.
The human body is self regulating and self healing. Our bodies are intended to work correctly and be healthy.
The way that health is maintained is through the human body's ability to communicate and heal any injuries that come along. The way the body controls the healing process is through the nervous system. The nervous system is comprised of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. The nerves exit the spine and go to everything in your body. The nerves not only control your muscles, pain receptors and skin, but they also control every cell tissue, organ and gland in your body. Literally everything that makes up your body is controlled by the nervous system.
The brain is in constant communication with your body and, the body is in constant communication with your brain and that is what controls your health. In order to be healthy the communication between the brain and body needs to be at 100%. Any decrease in this communication will result in decreased health and this shows up in a variety of ways. This is what is called symptoms. Symptoms are typically stiffness, pain, your hand falling asleep. Really they are anything you notice about how yourself that feels less than healthy.
The reason that Chiropractors work on spinal alignment is because the spine houses and protects your nervous system, and it is also the mechanical foundation for the body. The spine is made up of 24 movable bones called vertebra. These bones protect the nerves as they exit the spine between the bones and go to the rest of the body. Through the stress of life these bones often loose their alignment.
Stress comes in 3 types
1. Physical Stress: Sitting all day, slips, falls, car accidents, sports or even the activities of daily living
2. Emotional Stress: Emotional stress decreases the body's ability to maintain spinal alignment. When emotional stress happens, people often notice that normally the things that don't hurt them, do (such as sleeping, sitting, or even bending over to put their socks on.)
3. Chemical Stress: The foods we eat have a direct correlation to inflammation and how we feel. Foods either add to inflammation or reduce inflammation. This can flare up pain and problems.
Subluxation: This is a Chiropractic term used to describe a vertebra that has lost its normal alignment and causes some amount of pressure on the nerves and decreased spinal mobility.
The reality of this all is that the body is under all 3 types of stress at once. Whenever stress as a whole gets more than the body can adapt to, that's when subluxations occur.
When a vertebra subluxates , the nerves can get compressed. Nerves don't like to be pinched/compressed, and when this happens it decreases the flow of that nerve and whatever that nerve is controlling does not work as well. The body then goes into a defense mode to try and protect from further injury. The body will use muscles and posture to try and help. People often notice one shoulder is higher than the other, or they are standing crooked, or have pain/difficulty standing upright with good posture. The body will change posture to try and alleviate joint and nerve pressure.
The people with a subluxation typically notice the following:
1. Loss of movement/stiffness: You're not able to turn, bend and move normally
2. Muscle tightness/pain: Muscles can get painful/tight in a variety of ways. This can be localized to one side or generalized to an entire area such as the "shoulders" or "back".
3. Neurological Symptoms: Sometimes people have "sciatica" or nerve pain going down their back to their legs, their hands/feet fall asleep, specific muscle pain and sensitivity.
"it hurts right under my shoulder blade" but you didn't do anything specific to injure your shoulder.
4. Overall decreased health: When the body is not able to communicate to the body the outcome is decreased health.
The goal of Chiropractic care is to correct vertebral subluxations. In doing so, any symptoms you have can be alleviated thus working towards a healthier you!
Getting hurt is the worst thing for an active lifestyle. Whether your back/neck hurts after doing squats, deadlifts, BJJ, volleyball etc., getting adjusted at Legacy can help get you back at it.
When a sports injury happens the best thing to do is get adjusted sooner rather than later so the body can heal up quick.
Dr. Matt has over a decade of experience helping sports injuries for all level of athletes. Everyone from the professional athletes to weekend warriors and everything in-between.
Regardless of who you are, everyone living an active lifestyle should get adjusted so they can be at their best.
Pregnancy puts a lot of strain on your body, but chiropractic care can help. We offer prenatal chiropractic care to help alleviate pain and discomfort during pregnancy and prepare your body for childbirth.
Pregnant woman that get adjusted throughout their pregnancy often report significant improvement in their back or neck pain and overall feel better throughout pregnancy.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy is gentle and doesn't involve a lot of "twisting" so that it is safe for mom and baby. Ultimately allowing you to have the most comfortable pregnancy possible.
Chiropractic care isn't just for adults. We also offer chiropractic care to help children maintain optimal health and wellness. Kids respond great to getting adjusted. Parents often report that their kids bounce back much quicker from any illness after getting adjusted. As a parent myself, i feel having my own children adjusted is the best tool for a child's health.
Signs that your child may need to be adjusted:
1. Cough
2. Had a fall or slipped (even while playing)
3. Not sleeping well
4. Fussy
5. Your child tells you something hurts.
If your child tells you their back/neck "hurts" take it seriously. Getting an adjustment is one of the best tools because they don't have to grow up with pain. Adjustments for kids at Legacy Chiropractic are always gentle and do not hurt. I say this as a parent myself, the health of child is a parents responsibility to maintain and protect.
It's typically a good idea to have kids checked out to see if they need to be adjusted. If you're concerned, come in and get adjusted yourself to see what it's all about.
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